Monday, August 11, 2014

patchwork key fob (+ pattern)

My younger sister was staying in some dorms for a summer program recently, and requested a key fob. So I decided to make one, of course! This key fob has a key ring on one side, and a clasp on the other, so that it can be both clipped inside a bag and folded to fit around your wrist. I'm keeping this one, but another is in the works for her. These would make wonderful gifts, as they are small and quick to make, but very practical.

-one 10.5" x 1.5" length of fabric
-ten 1.5" x 1.5" squares of fabric
-two 1 1/4" x 1" pieces of fabric
-one 10" x 1" piece of interfacing (I used fusible, but sewn-in would work too)
-lobster clasp and key ring (make sure the key ring is no bigger than 1")

1. Cut your fabric into the given dimensions.

2. Fuse the fusible interfacing to the wrong side of one of the 10.5" x 1.5" piece of fabric (if you aren't using fusible interfacing, baste it in place). You should center the interfacing so that it is 1/4" from all sides of the fabric.

3. Stitch the ten squares together with a 1/4" seam allowance to form a long patchwork strip, and press.

I had fun choosing prints for this--they are such small squares, so I got most from my scraps!

4. Fold each side of the 1 1/4" x 1" piece of fabric in by 1/4", widthwise, and press. Repeat for the second matching piece of fabric.

5. Topstitch around each of these folded pieces, then fold in half and press.

6. Pin together your fabric--the two long pieces should have right sides facing, and the little folded pieces should be centered at each short end of the long pieces, on the inside of the fabric sandwich. Be sure to put the clasp and key ring on these short pieces before pinning in place!

7. Sew around with a seam allowance of 1/4", leaving a gap of approx. 2.5".
8. Turn out, pressing the seams of the gap under.
9. Top stitch around, press one last time, and you're done!

I thought it turned out pretty cute, even if my corners need work--and my keys are definitely easier to grab out of my bag now. :) Anyway, if you decide to make one or have any questions, let me know!

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